Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Dabbler Lives!

Ne y windiga (that's Mooré for "Good day") from Burkina Faso! I am writing from the city of Ouahigouya - pronounced "WHY-ee-GOO-ya" - in the northern part of the country. Apologies for the extended period of silence, but Blogger does not seem to work too well over here; I tried posting 3 times in the past couple weeks, to no avail. On top of that, all of the keyboards here are in French, which makes typing even the simplest sentences quite a challenge, as all the letters and symbols are in the wrong places. Needless to say I am psyched to finally be able to send out a message from in-country.

At the moment, in addition to participating in classes for cross-cultural orientation, I am brushing up on my French in the most effective way possible (by speaking it non-stop), and I'm learning 2 additional languages, Mooré and Gulimancema. I have also been "adopted" by a host family in Bogoya, a village a few kilometers outside of Ouahigouya, where I sleep and eat most of my meals. Unless it is raining or there is a dust storm, I sleep outside (with a mosquito net, to protect me from malaria infection), because otherwise I literally marinate in my sheets from the heat. Also, since my consitution is not as strong as that of the locals (or, in Peace Corps jargon, "host country nationals"), I have to filter all my water, and then add a couple drops of bleach to every liter, before drinking it. I also have to be extremely careful about what I eat, in case of bacteria or parasites... so absolutely NO salads while I'm here, and all my food has to be thoroughly cooked. Already a couple of my fellow trainees have been laid low by stomach viruses and diarrhea -- here, apparently, it pays to be paranoid. However, let it be known that my hosts are incredibly friendly and attentive, and do whatever they can to make me more comfortable. I've also had many interesting conversations (in my broken French) with Bob - my self-appointed guardian in the village - about why I'm here exactly, the differences between life in Burkina and America, and what kind of music we love (he's a reggae fanatic, while my personal favorite is oldies rock 'n' roll).

The culture here is VERY different from that of the States: collectivism is the rule, as opposed to that famous American individualism. It is imperative to greet (or "saluer") absolutely everyone you pass, and that means more than merely saying hello; in greeting a perfect stranger, you must inquire how they're doing, how their health is, how their family's health is, respond in kind, then wish them well until the next time you both meet. Anything less than this is considered the height of rudeness. Anyone who has ever lived in New York City can imagine what a change THIS little custom is for me.

Now, I will not pretend that the past couple weeks of transition haven't been difficult; until now, I could not remember the last time I was homesick -- but the culture shock hit me hard when I arrived. On my 7th day here, I was honestly asking myself how I was going to last through the summer, much less 2 years. Things are better now, but I'm trying not to think about the big picture for the moment. Right now the goal is to stick it out through the completion of training, at the end of August. If I'm still doing okay then, I'll see how I do until Thanksgiving, and so on. A Volunteer who has been in-country for 10 months told me that's how a lot of people in her group handle it; they love their experiences and their work over here, but it's easier to get a handle on things if they take it step by step.

There you have it, Dear Readers: a rather lengthy post from yours truly, to make up for all the time I've been away from cyberspace. I promise to write again the very next moment possible, and I would of course love to hear from absolutely anyone back home in the States.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Orientation in DC.

Well, Dear Readers, I am taking valuable time away from bonding with my fellow Peace Corps trainees to send you an update from Peace Corps Staging in Washington, DC. It has only been 1 day, yet I already feel like I have gone through so much. It occurred to me yesterday that I must be more nervous than I originally anticipated, when I freaked out around 8:00am, convinced that my bags were too heavy and that I was going to have to leave them behind (the Peace Corps has a policy that you can check no more than 80 lbs. of baggage on your flight). Nothing gets your adrenaline going like re-packing for your entire trip, 15 minutes before you have to catch the bus to the airport. Even so, I don't think the reality of my situation really struck me until I was in a room with 32 other prospective volunteers, going through workshops about the various types of available malaria medications (the most effective of which apparently induces nightmares and psychotic episodes in the user). I then suddenly realized just how thorough a life change this experience will be, and how right now I really have no idea what I'm going to be doing, or whether I have the maturity and instincts to handle this overturning of everything I know about how to eat, speak, interact, and in generally simply exist. Rationally, of course, I had already known all this for months; it didn't really hit me emotionally, however, until I was in that room with everyone else going over to Burkina. So, yes, I did panic for a short period yesterday afternoon.

This morning, after a full night's rest, things are going much better. My sarcasm has thus far only gotten the better of me once or twice... such as when we were asked to name any famous Peace Corps alumni we knew of, and I brought up the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. I have (shockingly) remembered the names and faces of nearly all my fellow 32 trainees, and thus far everyone seems to be getting along... always a positive beginning. The group seems evenly split between teachers and participants in my program (Girls' Education and Empowerment). Tomorrow evening, we will be flying out to West Africa, with a lay-over in Paris, where we will spend the rest of the summer in-country, undergoing intensive training for both linguistics and our respective assignments.

There's a great deal more I would love to share, but I must grab a bite to eat before we're all rounded back up for another several hours of lectures and group discussions. Thanks for all the well-wishes! I will write again as soon as humanly possible... probably after we've landed in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso's capital city), as there are supposedly internet cafes all over the place there.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Dabbler's (International) Diary

Salutations! Dabbler here. You may remember me from my previous blog. Then again, you may not. Long story short, I have left the hallowed halls of Hollywood to join the Peace Corps. To be more specific, I will be living in the West African nation of Burkina Faso, working as a volunteer in a program impressively entitled "Girls' Education and Empowerment," the goal being to help improve the female literacy rate in Burkina. At this moment, I am mere hours away from reporting for service in Washington, DC... 2 days after which I will be flying overseas to Africa, to commence my 2-year service. It's going to be (from what I am told) a life-altering experience, and I hereby invite you to come along for the ride!

Most sincerely yours,

A Dabbler